Sunday, March 13, 2011


  • Enthalpy is the energy stored in chemical bonds
  • The symbol for Enthalpy is H 
  • The units for Joules(J)
  • Change in enthalpy is ΔH (Delta H)
  • In Exothermic reactions enthalpy decreases.
  • In Endothermic reactions enthalpy increases
Exothermic Reaction
Endothermic Reaction
A) Calorimetry

  • Measured by a calorimeter
  • To experimentally determine the heat released we need to know 3 things:

1) temperatureChange (Delta T)
2) Mass (m)
3)Specific Heat Capacity (c)
These are related by the equation:
ΔH= mCΔT or mC(Tf-Ti)

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