Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Acid-Base Reactions (Strong Acids & Strong Bases)

  • Strong Acids (SA0 dissociate to produce H+ ions.
  • H+ions make something acidic
  • HCL, H2SO4, HCLO4
  • Strong Bases (SB) dissociate to produce off ions.
  • NaOH, Ba(OH), LiOH,  (NH3+H2O --->NH4+OH)
  • When a SA and SB mix they form Water (H2O) and Ionic Salt.
  • Total Volume Changes
pH and pOH
  • pH measures of the hydrogenions present in a solution 
  • pH= -log[H+]
  • pOH is measure if the hydroxide ions present in a solution
  • pOH= -log[OH-]

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