Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Functional Groups

  • Alcohols, Halides,Ethers, and Keytones
  • Organic Compounds can contain elements other than C and H, these are known as Functional Groups
  • Carbon Chain without functional groups are written R-OH
  • There are 9 different functional groups
  1. Alcohols         
  2. Ketones                       
  3. Amines            
  4. Halides           
  5. Carboxylic Acids         
  6. Amides       
  7. Aldehydes      
  8. Esthers                         
  9. Esters
I) Alcohols
  • is a hydrocarbon with a -OH bonded to it
  • Parent ends with -ol
  • Ie: 2 methyl 3 pentaol, 2 ethyl 2,3 dimethyl 1 butanol
  •  If there is more than 1 -OH bonded, ending becomes (-diol,triol.tec)
  • IE. 1 2 Ethandiol
II) Halides
  • Groups 7 [F CL Br I ] 
  • Floro/Chloro/Bromo/Ido
  • IE) 4 ethyl 2 methyl 1 bromo cyclohexane
III) Keytones
  • a double bonded oxygen
  • add -one to ending
IV) Aldehydes
  • doubled bonded oxygen
  • add -al to ending
  • simplest form is "Formaldehyde"
Methanol= "Formaldehyde"
V) Carboxylic Acids
  • Change the parent chain to -oic acid
  • Simplest form  Methanoic Acid

 VI) Ethers
  • Oxygen group connected to two alkyl
  • 2 carbon chains connected by O2
  • Names the smallest 1st
  • Name the 2nd alkyl followed by the ether
  • Dimethyl Ether

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