Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Organic Chemistry ------- Nomeclature

Organic chemistry is the study of carbon compounds
                  - carbons form multiple covalent bonds

Carbon compounds can form chains, rings or branches
                 - There are less than 100 000 non-organic compounds
                 - organic compounds numbers more than 17, 000, 000

-The simplest organic compounds are made of carbon & hydrogen
-Saturated compounds have no double or triple bonds
-Compounds with only single bonds are called Alkanes and always end in -ane
-3 categories of Organic compounds
                 1) Straight chains
                 2) Cylic chains
                 3) Aromatics

rules for naming:
1. Circle the longest continuous chain and name this as the base chain
            - meth, eth, prop...
2. Number the base chain so side chains have the lowest possible numbers
3. Name each side chain using the -yl ending
4. Give each side chain the appropriate number
          - if there is more than one side chain, numbers / labels
            are slightly different
5. List side chains alphabetically.

Uses of Alkanes
The most useful and numerous in world
C1-C4  are used as gaseous fuels (Butane Lighter)
C5-C6 are solvents (Paint Thinner)
C5-C9 are car fuel
C10-C16 Jet Fuel and diseal
C18-C20 Motor Oil
C21-C40 Wax

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