Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Functional Groups

  • Alcohols, Halides,Ethers, and Keytones
  • Organic Compounds can contain elements other than C and H, these are known as Functional Groups
  • Carbon Chain without functional groups are written R-OH
  • There are 9 different functional groups
  1. Alcohols         
  2. Ketones                       
  3. Amines            
  4. Halides           
  5. Carboxylic Acids         
  6. Amides       
  7. Aldehydes      
  8. Esthers                         
  9. Esters
I) Alcohols
  • is a hydrocarbon with a -OH bonded to it
  • Parent ends with -ol
  • Ie: 2 methyl 3 pentaol, 2 ethyl 2,3 dimethyl 1 butanol
  •  If there is more than 1 -OH bonded, ending becomes (-diol,triol.tec)
  • IE. 1 2 Ethandiol
II) Halides
  • Groups 7 [F CL Br I ] 
  • Floro/Chloro/Bromo/Ido
  • IE) 4 ethyl 2 methyl 1 bromo cyclohexane
III) Keytones
  • a double bonded oxygen
  • add -one to ending
IV) Aldehydes
  • doubled bonded oxygen
  • add -al to ending
  • simplest form is "Formaldehyde"
Methanol= "Formaldehyde"
V) Carboxylic Acids
  • Change the parent chain to -oic acid
  • Simplest form  Methanoic Acid

 VI) Ethers
  • Oxygen group connected to two alkyl
  • 2 carbon chains connected by O2
  • Names the smallest 1st
  • Name the 2nd alkyl followed by the ether
  • Dimethyl Ether

Aromatic Nomenclature

  • A benzene molecule is given a special diagram to show it's unique bond structure
  • Benzene can be a parent chain or a side chain
  • If it is a side chain benzene is called Phenyl

Alicylics & Aromatics

 A) Alicylics
  • Carbon chains can form 2 types of closed loops 
  • Alicylics are loops that are usually made with single bonds
  • If the parent chain is a loop standard naming rules apply with one addition:
==>"Cyclo" is added in front of the parent chain
  • There are 3 different ways to draw compounds:
     Example: Cyclopentane
                1) Complete structural diagram
2) Condensed structural diagram 
3) Line diagram 

  • Numbers can start anywhere and can go C.W or C.C.W on the loop
  • The Side chain numbers must be the lowest possible
  • Loops can also be side chains
  • The side chain though, is given the "cyclo" prefix 
  • IE: 2 Cyclobutyl Octane
B) Aromatics
  • Benzene(C6H6) is a cyclic hydrocarbon with unique  bonds between the carbon atoms
  • Structurally it can be drawn with alternating double bonds
  • Analysis shows that all six carbon bonds are identical and really represents a 1.5 bond
  • This is due to the e- resonance
  • e- are free to move all around the ring.


Benzene (Lines represent double bonds)

Polar Molecules

  • Have an overall charge separation
  • Unsymmetrical Molecules are usually polar
  • Molecular Dipoles are results of unequal sharing of electrons in a molecule

Non Polarity

A) Predicting Polarity
If a molecule is symmetrical the pull of e- is usually balanced
Molecules can be unsymmetrical in two ways:
1) Different Atoms
2) Different number of atoms

Bonding ===>Bonds and Electronegativity

Three types of Bonds

1.Ionic (Metal)-Nonmetal)
  • e- are transferred from metal to non-metal
2.Covalent (Non-metal ==> nonmetal)
  • e-  are shared between non-metals
3. Metallic (Metal)
Holds pure metals together by electrostatic attraction

A) Electronegativity:
Electronegativity (en) is a measure of an atom's attractions for electrons in a bond
  • Fluorine = 4.0 (the most en)
  • Chlorine = 3.0
  • Cesium = 0.8
  • Atoms with greater en attracts e- more. 
  • Polar Covalent: Bonds form from an unequal sharing of e- (H2O) 
  • Non-Polar Covalent: Bonds  form from equal sharing
B) Bonds
The type of bond formed can be predicated by looking at the difference in Electronegativity(en) of elements.
  en > 1.7 = Ionic Bonds
  en < 1.7 = Polar Covalent
  en = 0 is non polar 

< = Less than
> = Greater than

    Acid-Base Reactions (Strong Acids & Strong Bases)

    • Strong Acids (SA0 dissociate to produce H+ ions.
    • H+ions make something acidic
    • HCL, H2SO4, HCLO4
    • Strong Bases (SB) dissociate to produce off ions.
    • NaOH, Ba(OH), LiOH,  (NH3+H2O --->NH4+OH)
    • When a SA and SB mix they form Water (H2O) and Ionic Salt.
    • Total Volume Changes
    pH and pOH
    • pH measures of the hydrogenions present in a solution 
    • pH= -log[H+]
    • pOH is measure if the hydroxide ions present in a solution
    • pOH= -log[OH-]

    More Functional groups

    - carboxylic acids are formed by the function group:

    - use standard rules but change the parent chain ending to -oic
    - the simplest carboxylic acid is methanoic acid

    - an ether contains an oxygen group connected to two alkyl (carbon) chains

    - name the small alkyl group first, then the second alkyl group followed by ether.

    some examples of ethers

    1) dimethyl ether:

    2) propyl hexyl ether:

    3) diphenyl ether: