Thursday, October 14, 2010

aToMiC tHeOrY

The four elements theory: (Aristotle)
           - the four elements theory lasted for about 2000 years
           - it is not a scientific theory because it could not be tested against observation

     - in 300 BC Democritus said atoms were indivisible particles
     - first mention of atoms (atomos)
     - not a testable theory, only a conceptual model
     - no mentions of any atomic nucleus or its constituents
     - cannot be used to explain chemical reactions

LAVOISIER ( late 1700s )
     - Law of  " Conservation of Mass "
     - Law of  " Definite Proportions "
                   - water is always 11% Hydrogen and 89% Oxygen

PROUST ( 1799)
     - if a compound is broken down into its constituents,
       the products exist in the same ration as in the compound
     - experimentally proved Lavoisier Laws

DALTON ( early 1800s)
     - Atoms are solid, indestructible spheres (like billiard balls)
     - Provides for different elements (these would be different spheres )
     - based on the law of conservation mass

- having a molecule ( atom combine in simple whole number ratios ) explains the law of constant composition
- if the atoms are not destroyed then the mass does not change

J.J THOMSON ( 1850s )
     - raisin bun model

     - solid, positive spheres, with negative particles embedded in them
     - first atomic theory to have positive (protons) and negative (elections) charges
     - demonstrated the existence of electrons using a cathode ray tube

     - showed that atoms have a positive, dense center with electrons outside it.
     - resulted in a planetary model
     - explains why electrons spin around nucleus
     - suggests atoms are mostly empty space.
(This model below was incorrect because electrons would go towards the nucleus oppose to orbiting it. The electrons would move towards the nucleus.)

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