Monday, October 25, 2010

The Bohr Model and Diagram

Bohr (1920’s)
·  Rutherford’s model was inherently unstable because Protons and electrons should attract each other.
·  Matter emits light when it is heated (Blackbody Radiation).
·  Light travels as protons.
·  Energy photons carry depends on their wave length.

· Bohr based his model on energy (Light) that is emitted by different atoms.
·  Each atom has a specific spectrum of light.
·  To explain the emissions spectrum, Bohr suggested that electrons occupy shells or orbits
·  High Proton energy = Purple
·  Low Photon energy = Blue

·  Electrons exist in an orbital. When they absorb energy they move to a higher orbital.
·  As they fall from a higher orbital to a lower orbital they release energy as a photon of light.

The Bohr Model and Diagram:
  • Atoms are neutral and Ions have different charges
  • 1st shell holds 2 electrons
  • 2nd shell holds 8 electrons
  • 3rd shell holds 8 electrons
  • 4th shell holds 16 electrons
  • A full octet is always wanted
  • The last shell is called a “Valence Shell” and the electron in that shell are called “Valence Electrons”

Bohr Model:
  • Atoms are electrically neutral
  • Two different models can be used to describe electron configuration:

1.    Energy Level Model
2.    Bohr Model

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